Water Damage Restoration-Dallas November Storms

Water Damage Restoration-Dallas November Storms

Scheduling professional carpet cleaning twice a year helps keep the carpets in your home in great condition, but what happens when flash floods wreak havoc in your neighborhood, and your home suffers flood damage?

Recent weather across North Central Texas has resulted in flash flood watches and warnings for several counties, and it’s important to understand what to do when your home is damaged by heavy rains, as well as how to prepare for this emergency.

First, what is flash flooding?

The Frisco Enterprise shares:

“A flash flood watch means that conditions are favorable for heavy rain which may lead to flash flooding.”

Even if you have a few days to prepare for potential flooding, it’s important to have a plan for repair and restoration just in case the flood waters reach dangerous levels and enter your home. Storm damage cleanup requires immediate action; here are a few things to remember if your home is impacted by flooding.

If you have experienced damage to your home or business due to the recent storms, contact Pro-Fresh N’ All today!

Water Damage Restoration in Dallas areas. 469-268-1916

Safety Immediately After the Flooding in Dallas

Your home is a complex building of wires, electricity, plumbing fixtures, and furniture. Common injuries that occur after flooding include “slip and fall” accidents, as well as electrical accidents. During flood damage cleanup, back injuries aren’t uncommon because waterlogged furniture becomes extraordinarily heavy.

Remember: If you’re not sure if your home’s electrical system poses a danger, wait for a professional! You’ll get the best results from water damage restoration if you arrange for a quick cleanup, but not at the expense of your health and welfare. Allow a professional to inspect your home for electrical dangers before your reenter after a flood.

What Can You Do After the Flood?

The most efficient way to recover after flood damage is to call a water damage restoration company. A professional will bring special machines like large fans and vacuums for leftover water that will get the task done in the most efficient way possible.

However, if you know your house is safe, and you want to conduct some immediate recovery before your professional crew arrives, you might consider the following projects:

  • Object Removal. You may want to take down pieces of art from the walls if water damage has impacted the walls or ceiling. Removing decorative objects that would need to be moved before your carpet cleaning after flood can help keep your valuables safe.
  • Water Wipe Down. Getting rid of the water as soon as possible is essential. If your flood damage happens in the summer, you can turn on the air conditioner to help dry things out. If you have ceiling fans (and your electrical system is safe), they can help dry things out, too.
  • Blotting and Mopping. You can take paper towels and blot up water on the furniture and anywhere else moisture has remained. Flood waters aren’t always sparklingly clean, so you may want to wear gloves and galoshes (or some water-proof boots) while you mop.

After a flood, sometimes it takes a few days to get an appointment with a local water damage restoration company because so many people will be in need of service. Performing some of the tasks above can help keep your home in good condition until the professionals arrive.

Flood Damage Restoration: Avoid These Mistakes After a Flood

You already know it’s important to ensure your home is safe before entering it after a flood, but there are a few other things to remember, too.

Flood damage can feel traumatic when the home you own is damaged badly, and your memories are harmed by flood waters. Avoid making things worse by following these rules.

  • Never use a regular house vacuum to remove water from the carpets. A regular vacuum isn’t designed to pick up large amounts of water. In fact, it’s best to keep them away from water.
  • Don’t touch household electronics and machinery. Even if you know the power is disconnected, avoid using any household electronics (like the television) or appliances in the kitchen.
  • Only use ceiling fans if the ceiling is dry. Running a fan sounds like a great idea (and sometimes it is), but only when your ceilings are unharmed.

Don’t let flood waters permanently damage your home. Contact Pro-Fresh n’ All as soon as possible after a damaging storm for expert water damage carpet cleaning.

Remember: time is of the essence when it comes to water damage, so an early appointment can mean the difference between saving your carpets and having to remove them.

Pro-Fresh N' All Upholstery Cleaning: We Should Let the Professionals Handle This!

Pro-Fresh N' All Upholstery Cleaning: We Should Let the Professionals Handle This!

Whether you’re hiring professionals for carpet cleaning, air duct cleaning or upholstery cleaning, it is best to find a company with professional cleaners who are properly certified. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification is the main agency that supervises companies in the industry, and they commonly give instruction on what techniques and appliances should be used to do the most effective job. Certified professional cleaners are put through rigorous examinations and can be depended on to act honestly and sincerely while managing the cleaning process of your home, using only the best possible practices.

What Does IICRC Mean For Professional Cleaners?

The IICRC does not endorse brands, but they do determine what kinds of equipment are the most successful at removing debris and leaving carpets, drapes and fabrics immaculate. Registered professional cleaners of the IICRC who have achieved this type of certification symbolize excellence, boast several years in the industry and have proven their professionalism with distinction, upholding a strict set of standards. This ensures that they are up-to-date on the most effective methods in the industry. Pro-Fresh n' All is backed by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, as well as being an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau.

Upholstery Cleaning For Your Furniture and Your Home

Many people don’t realize that you can extend the life of household furniture by having professional cleaners perform upholstery cleaning services. Some people aren’t even aware that they can actually steam-clean their upholstery. This process does, in fact, improve the quality and preservation of household items. Although there are some products on the market that advertise themselves as the equivalent of professional cleaning, none of these products are are as effective as professional cleaning services. An expert who is trained to treat household fixtures will be able to remove more grime, debris, unpleasant or offensive odors, and stains or discoloration.

Call 469-268-1916 For Your Upholstery Cleaning Appointment!

After days, months or years of wear, items in the home, including furniture, pick up dirt. Dust mites and microbes can and will grow if they are exposed to food or other substances that break down organically. The forceful, high-powered washers that professional carpet cleaners use are better at removing stains and extracting debris found deep inside carpet and fabric fibers than anything that can be rented or bought at the department store.

Professional Cleaners Protect Your Furniture & Carpets

It also takes a trained hand not to use too much water or detergent, as either can cause damage. One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when upholstery cleaning for themselves is using too much liquid on the fabric. Professional, certified cleaners are trained and prepared to monitor water usage as the oversaturation of the fabric can be far worse than the dirt or stains.

For items that are porous and capable of absorbing a lot of moisture, this can cause mold growth or odors which will require a professional to remove. If left alone, these unwanted household fixtures can cause health issues for anyone who is particularly sensitive or could have debilitated immune systems. Accordingly, steam cleaning furniture can deliver bona fide health benefits to the home. And, by using a trained professional cleaners, it can be done cost-effectively and quickly.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Can Bring You Health, Wealth & Happiness. Seriously.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Can Bring You Health, Wealth & Happiness. Seriously.

Hiring a professional for your carpet cleaning is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Besides the general cleanliness of your indoor carpet, you need to have your carpets professionally cleaned to maintain a warranty, avoid indoor allergens, get rid of human and pet hair, and avoid mold growth.

Most of us tend to think that we can vacuum and even steam clean our own carpets within whatever time frame we think is suitable and often without hiring professional help. Usually that time frame gets adjusted depending on how busy our lives are at the moment, how exhausted we are after a day at the office, if and when we can vacuum without waking up our kids and so on.

So, weekly vacuuming becomes monthly vacuuming, quarterly steam-cleaning appointments get pushed back or cancelled entirely, and somehow all of the reasons we have to keep our carpets clean—our families, our pets, our health—become the exact things that stand in our way from actually getting it done. This is a big problem. Here are the top three reasons that we need to have our carpets professionally steam-cleaned (and often the things that prevent us from doing it).

Carpet Cleaners Can Help With Indoor Allergies

“Indoor air quality can be eight to ten times worse than outdoor air quality, if you don’t clean your flooring,” says interior designer Robin Wilson, who specializes in allergy-free housekeeping. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, there are over 60 million Americans who suffer from allergies: “Allergy and asthma control begins at home.

Many people with allergies stay indoors when outdoor air is full of pollen and spores. But dust mites, animal dander and even cockroaches can cause problems indoors. Eight out of 10 people in the United States are exposed to house dust mites, and six out of 10 are exposed to cat or dog dander.” Obviously, indoor carpet and upholstery cleaning is a great solution to this problem, but having allergies, sinus pressure or feeling sick, in general, can sometimes be the very thing that stops us from properly cleaning our living environment. It’s a vicious cycle that involves feeling too sick to take the appropriate steps to feel better.

An easier, simpler way is to prevent the problem before it starts. For many years, it was thought that removing carpet from the homes of those suffering from allergies was the only real solution, but according to Vivienne Mahon, PhD, from Airmid Healthgroup in Dublin, Ireland, there is now “an existing body of evidence that indicates that well-maintained and effectively cleaned carpets can contribute to indoor air quality, making them a potential choice for families affected by asthma and allergies.” So, whether you suffer from allergies, asthma or both, having your carpets, upholstery and air ducts professionally cleaned on a regular basis might be just what the doctor ordered.

Call Pro-Fresh N’ All Carpet Cleaning at 469-268-1916 to Make An Appointment Today

Professional Carpet Cleaners Are There… For Your Hair

If you have children, a spouse, a head, and pets, then you probably suffer from one of the most common problems that plagues American households every day—the hair epidemic. Hair is everywhere and no matter how much we brush, or vacuum, or sweep, it just keeps coming back.

The main issue is that we lose about 100 hairs a day. Multiply that by every hairy creature that resides beneath your roof (human, canine, and feline alike) and you’ll start to see why getting the hair problem under control is nearly impossible. Vacuum cleaners alone do not create sufficient air flow or enough penetrating power to bring up all of the human and pet hair deeply embedded in your carpet. You need to release them with hot steam (which also a great way to help dog and cat allergy symptoms) and trying to steam your carpets yourself is a bad idea.

Steam will effectively lift dust and hair from deep within your carpet, Wilson says — if left there, it will wear down and rip the carpet’s fibers. But only professional carpet cleaning machines can truly zap all the steam’s moisture from the carpet when you’re done cleaning. The results of trying to do it yourself can be sickening. “I’ve been on job sites where you pull up the carpet and see a mold patch,” Wilson says. When you steam clean yourself, “you turn your house into an incubator for mold growth.”

What About The Warranty?

Decorating your house sure was fun, and I’m sure you would like to be able to replace or be reimbursed for your expensive carpeting should your house flood or be vandalized. This just in: “First and foremost, nearly every warranty has a condition requiring that you have your carpets professionally cleaned every 18-24 months. So, unless you have a receipt from a certified cleaner, your claim is almost certain to be denied.”

Most likely, there is also some sort of too-good-to-be-true stain warranty that you also paid for. First of all, lifetime guarantees usually exclude stains made from anything that would ever be on your carpet or stain it in the first place—stains caused by everything from beverages to cleaning supplies are ruled out by the majority of warranties, but should you actually have a stain that is made by something covered in your warranty, most carpet makers only want you to hire a professional cleaner to remove it.

If the professionals cannot remove the stain, and it isn’t excluded by the terms above, then and only then will the manufacturer consider your claim. It is critical in this case to keep any receipts from your professional cleaners and submit your claim within 30 days of the cleaning.

So there you have it. From health to wealth to the hair on your head, all signs point to “please indulge yourself in a little professional carpet cleaning.” Your wallet, sinuses, and hairy creatures (both two-legged and four-legged) will thank you.